Friday, October 11, 2024

Daily update . C programming day 1

 Hello M*F, 

There is no purpose of this blog ,

Today started learning C the BAAP of all languages so to take note or to share what I learned ,I'm writing this blog if it's helps you add comments. 

#caution(tons of spelling mistakes)

Let's begin 
day 1
time- 11:21 pm
date -11/10/2024

C is low level language much lower than any other language so far we can say after assembly language C is there AND all other languages come from C so C is BAAP/ DADDY of all language. so why c? so as it is as low as somewhat equal to assembly language we manipulate memory of out computer so we get superpower i mean we have a access of our memory directly from C. AND as we all know computer only understand 1 and 0 machine code so scientist create assembly language to give instruction to machine and again assembly language is hard to understand it's not easy and more lengthy so to make code short and easy to understand again scientist create C. so assembly is father of C.

so first syntax of DADDY . syntax means in simple language the format of how we write C code for ex. there is a format of writing English or any other language similar in coding there are format/syntax of writing code. 

int main()
int a;
printf("Hello MF\n");
let's break this syntax
#include so when were created coder/scientist thought to code or to add functions(I'll tell what is functions are later) or we can say different features we have to add somethings called LIBRARY so to add something they give #include means we are adding something here.

<stdio.h> here stdio.h is library so again BC ye library kya hai why we are including library. lets assume we need some information so where do we get information? In books r8? traditionally in books okay! so where do we find all sorts of book collections in library r8? I mean library is a place where we get tons of different kinda of books so we'll pick whichever we want to read. so the library givings us features of different books plus a quit place plus lights plus furniture table etc means at one place we will get all of it. The same applies here there are some codes already written in that library so we don't have to write we just take advantage of it by adding in our code.

int main() = Now what is int? it stand for integers means numbers from - to +. it's a data type as simple as data and type means a word that tells computer what type of data we are using like decimal 1.2 or int 2 or boolean true or false etc etc . main() so it is a function derived from library stdio.h as i said library feature this is one of the feature here we execute our code. so we have to write our executable code inside the main() function. oh! What is functions? well in short suppose we have to perform one code again and again and again multiple times so Instead of writing it multiple times 1000time we just create function () give them a data type like int nd all and add code in that function so whenever we want that specific code we just give a call to that function rather than write it again. simple!

{} =  two curly braces are the body of that function, so function only execute code which is written inside of the curly braces.

printf("") = again printf() is a function it is from the library again code is hidden in the library which tells printf() function to print statements/sentences written in your function inside "" double quotation.. so printf() is for print statement/sentences.

\n = is for new line 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

computer network #blog1

         computer network
so, guys, this is my 1st blog I'm not professional in writing a blog and all stuff I also not a teacher or someone with great knowledge of networking. so basically I am a 19 years old undergraduate learner who shares you the stuff about networking. The basic funda of this blog series is everyone I mean dum like I also understand the concept of networking it is a very interesting concept. I this blog I covered basic topics like what is a network, support, topology, node, and layout. so without wasting your precious time let's get started.
Now as you heard the word network what comes in your mind 1st? I know 90% of people imagine a sort of wires, big devices where wires and all jumbling stuff I also imagine that kind of stuff when I first heard it but it is correct visualization because there is plenty kind of stuff in networking. so what is a computer network? networking means a connection of devices right, so computer network means the connection of computer or devices isn't it simple? here the main definition connection of all computers to transfer data or to share data is called computer network.
A Simple Computer Network  

   so, here is the question in your mind that when we call the computer or devices are in-network? suppose there are two computers (devices) are connecting via wired or wireless when one of the computer or device transfers data or communicate to another device then it is said that these two devices are in-network. computer network supports enormous applications such as the world wide web(www), digital video, audio shared use of application and storage server, printer, fax machine and us of email and instant messaging, etc. there is a word (node) which use in networking concept so what is a node? you simply say that node is the endpoint of networks. it is attached to a network for creating, receiving or transmitting information over a communication channel. generally identify by network address there are two nodes
1.node that use network(host)
2.node that implement network(switch, routers, hub)
we will discuss that type later
now we are headed to our last topic of this blog, Network topology
Network topology:- It is a layout of interconnected nodes over a computer network. (layout of connection)
there are 6 types in topology 
1. Bus Network:- All nodes are connected to a common medium along this medium means there is one medium and all computers are connected to it see above figure so you get an idea. this is used in original ETHERNET called 10Base5 and 10Base2.(10Base5 and 10Base2 are the type of ethernet cable)
Network Topology
2. Star Network:- All nodes are connected to a central special node. and form a star type design. this layout found in wireless LAN(local area network).
 Star Topology - hmhub
3. Ring Network:- In this network, each node is connected to the right or left neighbouring node, so that all nodes are connected to each node. by travelling left or right we can reach the destination. 
commonly used in FDDI(fibre distributed data interface).
Ring Topology - hmhub
4. Mesh Network:- In mesh a node is connected to an arbitrary number of neighbouring node in such a way that the distance between two nodes for travelling is minimum. means connecting a random node ion network so that the distance between the node is minimum.
Mesh Network Topology Diagram | Mesh Network. Computer and Network ...
5. Fully connected network:- In this network, every node is connected to each mode of network.
Network Topology - Fully Connected
6. Tree network:- Nodes are arranged in hierarchically.

What is Tree Topology in Computer Networking
I hope this has been information is informally for you and I'd like to thank you for reading. (comment if it is helpfully and also suggest the way of my writing so I can improve it.)